First/Further Step To Rotaract 2019-2020
🙋🏻♂You Jump! I Jump! 🙋🏻♀
今年度嘅 First/Further Step To Rotaract (FSTR) 已經喺1月11至12日順利舉行!多謝大家鼎力支持同參與 🙌🏻 好開心可以同大家一齊共同進退,成功登上方舟🚢,為建構理想世界而努力。
希望大家喺呢個 Camp 入面再一次重新認識自己,集氣去行下一步,繼續成長去為世界建構一個理想方舟😎。
🙋🏻♂You Jump! I Jump! 🙋🏻♀
This year’s First/Further Step To Rotaract (FSTR) has finally come to a fruitful end. Thanks to all your support and participation over the weekend of 11 Jan to 12 Jan, we all together had a wonderful experience and, in the end, made it up onto the Ark and fight for our dream world.
The two days and one night, with laughter, madness and tears, brought us through issues across the globe, a reflective journey as to who we actually are, a re-thought into the reasons why we are here in Rotaract, and a life-long query – what we want in life.
With passion, we are brought closer. With sincerity, we are humbled before achievements by our hearts to serve. With self-deliberation, the old and the young, men and women, we all take a step forward. With devotion, we will come across miracles, and we all change for a better world.
We all surely had a moment in the camp to relearn ourselves. Let us all light up each other and work up a better Ark sailing to the world we long to see.