
District Leadership Training Meeting

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【地區領袖訓練會議 2019-2020】


唔知大家舉辦完派發物資嘅服務後,對呢個問題又有無新嘅答案呢🧐 今年嘅地區領袖訓練會議同往年採取咗唔同嘅形式,由參加者自行籌備一次派發口罩及其他保健物資到社區,為疫症出一分力嘅同時,亦都以體驗式服務而從中學習。作為一個領袖,有隨機應變嘅能力都極為重要👍🏻 我哋每個人都有機會成為「領袖」同埋「追隨者」,希望大家喺呢次活動除咗學識成為一個領袖,更可以反思點樣更好咁成為團隊嘅一份子啦😎!

呢6次派發物資嘅行動中,各團可以接觸到長者、少數族裔、文憑試考生、保安等唔同對象,更加貼心地為不同對象準備抗疫物資🤩 各個服務能夠順利舉行,除咗有賴每次行動PIC嘅努力之外,當然仲要多謝捐贈者慷慨捐出防疫物資,同埋各位參加者嘅積極支持🤝!



【District Leadership Training Meeting 2019-2020】


Do you have a new answer to the question after organizing the direct service?🧐 As it is important for leaders to react quickly to changes, we have adopted a new format for this year’s District Leadership Training Meeting, where participants had to deliver face masks and other sanitary items to the community to gain hands-on inspirations of what leadership is through experiential learning. 👍🏻 We all have a chance to be a ‘leader’ or a ‘follower’. Hope you all can reflect on how to be a team player as well as learning to be a leader. 😎

We have invited Rotaractors to be their own organizers of 6 service operations, in which they met different service targets, such as the elderly, ethnic minorities, DSErs and the security guards. These operations would not be successful without the efforts of the clubs as the organizers. 🤩 We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all generous donors and active participants in making this happen! 🤝

Although the event has come to an end, we believe that Rotaractors will continue to fight the pandemic in different places💪🏻 Look forward to seeing you all in the future. 😉


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