Rotaract clubs 2022-2023
Area | Community-based/ University-based | Rotaract Club | 扶青社 | Sponsoring Rotary Club(s) | 扶輪社 | Charter Year |
1 | Community-Based | Amizade | 澳門友誼 | Amizade | 澳門友誼 | 2017 |
1 | Community-Based | Guia | 松山 | Guia | 松山 | 1995 |
1 | Community-Based | Hou Kuong | 濠江 | Hou Kuong | 濠江 | 1983 |
1 | Community-Based | Macau | 澳門 | Macau | 澳門 | 1990 |
1 | Community-Based | Macau Central | 澳門中區 | Macau Central | 澳門中區 | 1984 |
1 | University-Based | University of Macau Students’ Union | 澳門大學學生會 | Macau | 澳門 | 2008 |
2 | Community-Based | Admiralty | 金鐘 | Admiralty | 金鐘 | 2017 |
2 | Community-Based | Central | 中區 | Central | 中區 | 2017 |
2 | Community-Based | Hong Kong | 香港 | Hong Kong | 香港 | 1969 |
2 | University-Based | The University of Hong Kong | 香港大學 | Hong Kong | 香港 / 九龍西區 | 1969 |
2 | Community-Based | Victoria | 維多利亞 | Victoria | 維多利亞 | 1976 |
3 | University-Based | CCC Kung Lee College | 公理高中書院 | Braemar hill | 寶馬山 | 2016 |
3 | Community-Based | Happy Valley | 快活谷 | Happy Valley | 快活谷 | 2010 |
3 | University-Based | HKU Lap-Chee College International | 立之學院 | Hong Kong Harbour | 香港海港 | 2018 |
3 | University-Based | Hong Kong Community College Students’ Union | 香港專上學院學生會 | Hong Kong Island East | 香港東區 | 2012 |
3 | Community-Based | Hong Kong Island East | 香港東區 | Hong Kong Island East | 香港東區 | 1980 |
3 | Community-Based | Hong Kong North Point | 香港北角 | Hong Kong North Point | 香港北角 | 2020 |
3 | Community-Based | Shouson Hill International | 壽臣山國際 | Shouson Hill | 壽臣山 | 2012 |
3 | University-Based | The Student Union of Lee Woo Sing College, The CUHK | 香港中文大學和聲書院學生會 | Hong Kong Northeast | 香港東北 | 2014 |
4 | Community-Based | Causeway Bay | 銅鑼灣 | Causeway Bay | 銅鑼灣 | 2014 |
4 | Community-Based | Hong Kong City North | 香港城北 | Hong Kong City North | 香港城北 | 2011 |
4 | Community-Based | Hong Kong North | 香港北區 | Hong Kong North | 香港北區 | 2003 |
4 | University-Based | New Asia College, Chinese University of Hong Kong | 香港中文大學新亞書院 | Causeway Bay | 銅鑼灣 | 2003 |
4 | Community-Based | Star Avenue | 星光大道 | Star Avenue | 星光大道 | 2021 |
5 | University-Based | Caritas Institute of Higher Education | 明愛專上學院 | The Peak | 太平山 | 2017 |
5 | Community-Based | City Northwest Hong Kong | 港城西北 | City Northwest Hong Kong | 港城西北 | 2012 |
5 | Community-Based | Harmony and Prosperity Hong Kong | 香港和富 | Harmony and Prosperity Hong Kong | 香港和富 | 2021 |
5 | Community-Based | Hong Kong Island West | 香港西區 | Hong Kong Island West | 香港西區 | 2001 |
5 | Community-Based | Kowloon Central | 九龍中 | Kowloon Central | 九龍中 | 2019 |
5 | Community-Based | Mid-Level | 半山區 | Mid-Level | 半山區 | 2014 |
5 | University-Based | United College, The CUHK | 香港中文大學聯合書院 | Hong Kong Island West | 香港西區 | 1968 |
6 | Community-Based | Antorcha | 薪火 | Hong Kong Sunrise | 香港旭日 | 2020 |
6 | Community-Based | Channel Islands | 離島 | Channel Islands | 離島 | 1995 |
6 | University-Based | Chung Chi College, The CUHK | 香港中文大學崇基學院 | New Territories | 新界 | 1978 |
6 | University-Based | Hang Seng University of Hong Kong | 香港恒生大學 | Shatin | 沙田 | 2014 |
6 | University-Based | Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan) | 香港專業教育學院 (柴灣) | Hong Kong Sunrise | 香港旭日 | 2007 |
6 | University-Based | Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee) & Hong Kong Design Institute | 香港專業教育學院 (李惠利)及香港知專設計學院 | New Territories | 新界 | 2006 |
6 | Community-Based | Kwai Chung | 葵涌 | Kwai Chung | 葵涌 | 2002 |
6 | Community-Based | New Territories | 新界 | New Territories | 新界 | 2003 |
6 | University-Based | Shaw College, The CUHK | 香港中文大學逸夫書院 | Tolo Harbour | 吐露港 | 1994 |
6 | Community-Based | Sunrise | 旭日 | Hong Kong Sunrise | 香港旭日 | 2020 |
6 | Community-Based | Tai Po | 大埔 | Tai Po | 大埔 | 1997 |
6 | Community-Based | Tsuen Wan | 荃灣 | Tsuen Wan | 荃灣 | 2009 |
6 | University-Based | Wu Yee Sun College, The CUHK | 香港中文大學伍宜孫書院 | Taipo | 大埔 | 2014 |
7 | Community-Based | Edelweiss | – | Kowloon Golden Mile | 九龍金域 | 2020 |
7 | University-Based | Hong Kong Baptist University | 香港浸會大學 | Kowloon | 九龍 | 1969 |
7 | University-Based | Hong Kong University of Science & Technology | 香港科技大學 | Kowloon | 九龍 | 1998 |
7 | Community-Based | Kai Tak | 啟德 | Kai Tak | 啟德 | 2010 |
7 | Community-Based | Kowloon North | 九龍北區 | Kowloon North | 九龍北區 | 2021 |
7 | Community-Based | Peninsula | 半島 | Peninsula | 半島 | 1996 |
7 | Community-Based | Peninsula South | 半島南 | Peninsula South | 半島南 | 2004 |
8 | University-Based | Caritas Bianchi College of Careers | 明愛白英奇專業學校 | Manhattan Hong Kong | 香港曼克頓 | 2020 |
8 | University-Based | Tung Wah College | 東華學院 | Central Harbourfront | 中環海濱 | 2021 |
8 | University-Based | City University of Hong Kong | 香港城巿大學 | Kowloon West | 九龍西區 | 1993 |
8 | Community-Based | Kowloon West | 九龍西區 | Kowloon West | 九龍西區 | 2003 |
8 | University-Based | Manhattan Hong Kong | 香港曼克頓 | Manhattan Hong Kong | 香港曼克頓 | 2019 |
9 | Community-Based | IKH Tenger | – | Nomt, Ulaanbaatar | – | 2016 |
9 | Community-Based | Nairamdal | – | Ulaanbaatar | 烏蘭巴托 | 2013 |
9 | University-Based | National University of Mongolia | – | Ulaanbaatar | 烏蘭巴托 | 2005 |
9 | Community-Based | Tsetsee Gung | – | Ulaanbaatar | 烏蘭巴托 | 2012 |
9 | Community-Based | Ulaanbaatar | 烏蘭巴托 | Ulaanbaatar | 烏蘭巴托 | 2000 |
9 | Community-Based | Urgoo | – | Urgoo | – | 2013 |
9 | Community-Based | Youth Avenue | – | Ulaanbaatar Peace Avenue | – | 2017 |
10 | Community-Based | Hobby | – | Nilslel | – | 2020 |
10 | Community-Based | Khuree | 庫倫 | Khuree / Ulaanbaatar | 庫倫 / 烏蘭巴托 | 2011 |
10 | Community-Based | Medical | – | Khuree / Ulaanbaatar | 庫倫 / 烏蘭巴托 | 2012 |
10 | Community-Based | Selbe | 修比 | Selbe | 修比 | 2012 |
10 | Community-Based | Tsast | – | Ulaanbaatar Central | – | 2019 |
10 | Community-Based | Tuul | 圖拉河 | Tuul | 圖拉河 / 烏蘭巴托 | 2005 |
10 | Community-Based | Ulaanbaatar Central | – | Ulaanbaatar Central | – | 2020 |
10 | University-Based | University of Finance and Economics | – | Ulaanbaatar Central | – | 2012 |
11 | Community-Based | Lantau | 大嶼山 | E-Club of Lantau | 大嶼山網上扶輪社 | 2017 |
11 | Community-Based | Phab Hong Kong | 香港傷健 | Ability Hong Kong | 香港精英 | 2020 |
11 | University-Based | The Open University of Hong Kong | 香港公開大學 | Metropolitan Hong Kong | 香港都會 | 2011 |
12 | Community-Based | Hong Kong Financial Centre | 香港金融中心 | Hong Kong Financial Centre | 香港金融中心 | 2017 |
12 | University-Based | Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tuen Mun) | 香港專業教育學院 (屯門) | Kowloon Northeast | 九龍東北 | 2008 |
12 | Community-Based | Kingspark Hong Kong | 港京 | Kingspark Hong Kong | 港京 | 1995 |
12 | Community-Based | Kwun Tong | 觀塘 | Kwun Tong | 觀塘 | 2018 |
– | Community-Based | South China Hong Kong | – | – | – | 2021 |
– | Community-Based | Super Engine | – | – | – | 2021 |